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Roads developed at Ponnurunni

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The New Indian Express  20.09.2010

Roads developed at Ponnurunni

KOCHI: Ponnurunni is represented by Deputy Mayor of Kochi , C K Manisanker.  The division is to be reserved for Scheduled Caste women in the coming elections.  A sizable portion of Subash Chandra Bose road passes right through the division.

C K Manisanker has been  representing Ponnurunni for two terms now, and claims he has tackled almost all the problems of the division during this period. He says he has given much attention to solving waterlogging, which was a big problem in the division. “Puthara, Kachapilli Road, Atham Lane, Kolothumpadi, Rail Nagar etc were areas which used to have severe waterlogging troubles. However, I have ensured that the width of the canals in the division, like Poothara Thodu, Nalukanadam Thodu, Ambelipadam Thodu and Bhuvaneswari Thodu are increased.  Protection walls were made and slabs placed on top to make footpaths and byroads. Drains have been built even inside the compounds of houses and flats.” In addition to the petti and para at Chettichira that was installed during the last term, another petti and para were installed near Puthenpalam. The hump pipe at Rail Nagar Road  by building a culvert here. The culverts at J J Road and Ambelipadam Road were both rebuilt. The drain at Subash Chandra Bose Road was replaced with a culvert. All these have solved waterlogging in the division. The Corporation general fund and the division fund were used for the work.

The deputy mayor claims he was instrumental in developing the four metre Convent Road to the 15-metre Subash Chandra Bose Road. Road-sides were raised and footpaths tiled with public co-operation.  According to him a six-inch pipe is being laid in the one km stretch from Ponnurunni railway gate to Kunjan Bava Road, to solve the problem of the potable water-shortage in the area. The 600-metre stretch has been covered and the rest of the work is still being carried out. Once this work is finished, the problem of water-shortage will be over. The work is funded by KSUDP.  The tarring work of Bhauvaneswari Road was also carried out by using KSUDP fund.

He says road-tarring works have been carried out throughout the division using People’s Plan fund and the Corporation general fund. Some of the roads like the Subash Chandra Bose Road, Kunjan Bava Road, Bhuvaneswari Road,  Sahakarana Road and Paradise Road are slated to be re-tarred, soon.  

C K Manisanker says - “Streetlights and sodium vapour lamps have been installed at many important areas.” According to him, other works include the ADS Hall and homoeo dispensary that were built with the UPAD fund, the building of Star Industrial co-operative society using the People’s Plan fund,  the two Anganwadis built using general fund from the Corporation etc. Anganwadis have been given toys and other furniture and accessories.  Renovation work has been carried out at Ponnurunni Govt. LP school. Here, a new open air stage and office were built and furniture given to the school.

The Deputy Mayor says around 160 houses were given through VAMBAY and BSUP schemes.  He has initiated many new developments like Padmasarovaram beautification project which will be carried out in the future. Residents here admit that waterlogging problems have been solved to a large extent through many initiatives, though some of the low-lying areas still suffer during the rain. They complain that roads here are full of potholes now. Potable water shortage still troubles certain areas of the division and needs to be solved.

Last Updated on Monday, 20 September 2010 10:48