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Planted in haste along key roads, they wither away in days

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The Times of India        29.09.2010

Planted in haste along key roads, they wither away in days

NEW DELHI: Last-ditch efforts of civic agencies to green the city have led many plants to die along several stretches. On Mathura Road, for instance, plants and saplings that were planted on Monday had already wilted by Tuesday.

According to the horticulture departments of various agencies, they are running against time to finish plantation as engineering departments have still not finished work. "We have been carrying out plantation work but more time was needed to ensure proper landscaping, which is not possible now. So potted plants are being kept in many areas, specially at places which see high pedestrian movement. Many people tend to walk over the saplings,'' said an MCD official. MCD is still trying to finish planting along Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg, Minto Road, etc.

Since streetlight work is still ongoing along Minto Road, MCD claimed dumping of malba along central verges and sidewalks had killed many plants.

On Mathura Road, plants were wilting and saplings had been crushed but labourers could be seen sowing more saplings hurriedly. "At some places labourers are carrying out work is such a hurry that saplings are not being planted deep enough for them to take root. Also, planting is taking place very haphazardly,'' said an official of the horticulture department. Explaining the reason behind this, a PWD official said, "We were roped in at the last moment. We will try and take care of the plants better by ensuring proper watering through tankers.'' At many places, plants have been put to hide eyesores along the stretch.

Under Moolchand underpass, too, plants were wilting due to lack of watering. PWD is also trying to finish landscaping work at Bhairon Road. "Due to the incessant rains earlier this month, planting work had really slowed down. The soil had turned into sludge and planting was just not possible,'' added an official.

Botany experts in the city said it was hardly surprising that the plants were dying since they had been planted without any method. "Agencies have brought in exotic plants, like palms. Delhi just does not have the weather to support this kind of greenery. Secondly, plantation is being carried out by totally untrained hands. Due to the shortage of time or a simple lack of know-how, no preparation has been done. The ground needs to be prepared before saplings are planted. But in several cases, agencies have carried out plantation along roads by filling in malba and then covering that with a thin layer of soil. Those plants will also eventually die. It is too hot for saplings to survive,'' said an expert.

An official from the environment department claimed agencies were carrying out plantations at random without consulting the right people. "On Vikas Marg, some plants have already disappeared. Lantana was planted but it cannot withstand too much water and died in the rain. Secondly, they haven't selected the right varieties to be planted. Even the grass has been rolled out like a carpet. These cannot survive for too long,'' said an official.