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Not a drop in sight

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The New Indian Express  14.10.2010

Not a drop in sight

BANGALORE: The residents of Pulikeshinagar want the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) authorities to fill up potholes on the roads to avoid inconvenience to motorists.

For instance, a pothole developed on Sultanji Gunta Road near Bamboo Bazaar a few months ago. The pothole has now become a bottleneck for smooth movement of vehicles. The residents say that traffic jams have become a common feature on this road due to the pothole.

“The movement of vehicles becomes rather slow while taking a right turn towards Cantonment Railway Station due to the pothole. The BBMP authorities have not taken any measures to find a permanent solution for this pothole menace,’’ says Suhail Khan, a resident.

With most of the shop-owners encroach footpath, the pedestrians are forced to walk on the road thus risking their lives. “Police have taken some temporary measures to clear the encroachment whenever a complaint is lodged with them. We want the authorities concerned to take measures to clear encroachments of footpath permanently,’’ Khan said.

The residents of Veeranna Garden complain against the poor condition of open drains. Many of the drains need immediate attention of the BBMP authorities. A few of the drains are filled with overgrown weed. “The drains have not been repaired for the last few years. It will be better if the BBMP ensures the drain is kept free from weeds and debris,’’ said a housewife on anonymity.

Many residents, especially those residing on first and second floors, complain against the irregular supply of Cauvery water. “The residents of first floor have to come down to fetch water. There was no water issue one year ago. Those are the days when Cauvery water was directly connected to the overhead tanks. Now, it has become difficult for the people residing on first floor,’’ says P S Shakuntala, a resident.

However, Abdul Rakeeb Jakeer, Corporator, was unavailable for comment.

Last Updated on Thursday, 14 October 2010 11:25