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LEDs to replace streetlight lamps in sectors 25, 27 to 38 and Manimajra

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The Indian Express                       02.04.2013

LEDs to replace streetlight lamps in sectors 25, 27 to 38 and Manimajra

The first phase of the Municipal Corporation's drive to replace sodium vapour lamps, in streetlights on V-6 roads, with Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) will cover Sectors 20 to 25, 27 to 38 (W) as well as Manimajra. The civic body has asked the UT Administration to prepare the estimates for the initiative.

At a recently held meeting, authorities had decided to replace streetlights on the V-6 roads in residential areas with LEDs.

This was done after frequent complaints from residents about non-functional streetlights especially on the V-6 roads.

While streetlights along most roads are maintained by the Municipal Corporation, those on the V-6 roads fall under the UT Administration. The civic body pays maintenance charges, for these, to the Administration.

A decision has been taken to replace the streetlights on all V-6 roads. In the first phase, some sectors would be taken up.

The Administration has been asked to prepare the estimates after which the MC would allocate the requisite amount.

LEDs are considered more energy efficient and last longer. While the initial cost is more than that of installation of sodium vapour lamps, the life of LEDs is more.