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NGO demonstrates fast road repair using cold bitumen

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The New Indian Express           04.08.2013 

NGO demonstrates fast road repair using cold bitumen

The city-based NGO,  ‘Better Kochi Response Group’ (BKRG), which has mooted the idea of using cold mix or cold bitumen for filling the potholes in the city, conducted a demonstration in this regard on Saturday.

BKRG, which is an NGO authorised by the state government to co-ordinate the PWD infrastructure activities in the city, carried out the  demonstration on a pothole in front of KMA building.

According to BKRG, filling potholes with cold mix or cold bitumen can be done even on rainy days and does not need much labour, equipment or heating.

“In this method, an average-sized pothole can be filled single-handedly and takes only 10 to 15 minutes.

“Since no heating or melting is involved, there is no air pollution and it is very safe for workers. It does not disturb traffic around the section where the work is being carried out and there is no sound pollution either”, according to a statement issued by BKRG here.

The demonstration was carried out by Muralidharan Kurup who represents Shell Company and the product used was Shelmac PR. Initially, the potholes were cleaned and stagnant water was removed.

The product, which comes in ready mix condition in packets, was spread on the pot hole and levelled and rammed by a single labourer. “The whole filling process took less than 20 minutes and the road, which was in a wet condition, was ready to use instantly”, the BKRG statement added.

Kochi mayor Tony Chammany, Greater Cochin Development Authority (GCDA) chairman N  Venugopal, deputy mayor B Bhadra, GCDA town planner Gopalakrishnan, Kochi corporation town planning standing committee chairman K J Sohan and officials from PWD and other agencies were also present on the occasion.

“Later, the GCDA chairman’s car was driven over the repaired area twice and the patch work remained intact without any damage”, said the officebearers of BKRG.