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‘Quick fix’ solutions for potholes in Kochi

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Deccan Chronicle         05.08.2013

‘Quick fix’ solutions for potholes in Kochi

Kochi: Kochi Corporation is likely to opt for a ‘quick fix’ solution to fill the num­erous potholes formed on major roads post monsoon rains. It plans to set up ‘mobile units’ to fill  potholes on a temporary basis using cold-mix bitumen on vital stretches in the city.

Earlier on Saturday, an NGO ‘Better Kochi Resp­o­n­se Group’, conducted a live demonstration of filling  potholes using the technology near the regional passport office at Panampilly Nagar in the presence of top officials of the Corporation and the GCDA.

“The technology is not new and is even included in the PWD manual. What is prohibitive is  the cost factor. But with  no other technology to repair roads during rains, we’re considering  using it to fill potholes on city roads  as a temporary relief. We’ve consulted PWD officials who have not raised any objections,” sources said.

But the main concern of the corporation is regar­ding its durability on roads with  heavy vehicular traffic. “One of the major advantages is that vehicles can use the road within 10 to 15 minutes of refilling. But it may not be suitable for one-layer roads and those  having heavy traffic like the National Highway. We plan to use it at select locations,” they said.

NGO president S. Go­pakumar  said  that Mayor Tony Chammany had shown keen interest in the technology which is ideal for use in the rainy season. “Ideally the roads should be repaired using the technology immediately after the potholes are formed as it prevents the potholes from getting bigger and hence lesser repair after  the monsoon is  over,” he said.