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Green signal for road widening

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The New Indian Express              05.09.2013

Green signal for road widening

The Kochi Corporation has approved widening of the Vaduthala-Pachalam   Road considering the frequent accidents happening on the narrow roads in the  area. The 23 residents’ association at Vaduthala had submitted a mass petition regarding the issue two months ago. 

The suggestion to widen the road was mooted and approved at the council  meeting held the other day. The traffic congestion and accidents on the   narrow road became a cause of concern after new bus services were allotted.

The bus services were allotted as part of the traffic rearrangement  necessitated owing to Metro Rail constructions.

The nod was given to widen the stretch from Vaduthala Railway Gate to Pachalam Junction.

Mayor Tony Chammany announced that Hibi Eden MLA is willing to associate with the project. “The widening will benefit the people coming to the city from Vaduthala. Hibi Eden has expressed willingness to allot Rs 5 lakh for the widening. So, the Corporation will have to find money just for the land acquisition,” said the Mayor.

However, the authorities concerned said the Corporation may have to incur a huge financial burden for the widening. At present, as the Corporation is in a financial crunch, this might be next to impossible.

“Around Rs 1 crore will be needed for land acquisition and rehabilitation as part of the road widening. So, we have suggested widening the road as part of the construction of Vaduthala Railway Over Bridge. Only an onsite visit will only give an idea about how the ROB can be redesigned,” said Town Planning Committee chairperson K J Sohan.

The secretary of Ernakulam District Residents Association Apex Council (EDRAAC) P N Soman, under whom the associations submitted a signature campaign to highlight road development, said the decision is a welcome sign. However, he said, the Vaduthala junction road widening was only one of the issues which was addressed by the Corporation.

“The three roads reaching Vaduthala from the south enters into a bottleneck junction. Once the Railway gate closes down, this part will be completely congested making it difficult for both commuters and pedestrians. Even ambulance get stranded in the traffic chaos,” said Soman.