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CMC approves plan to widen several roads in Raichur

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The Hindu 21.04.2010

CMC approves plan to widen several roads in Raichur

Staff Correspondent

Decision to implement master plan is unilateral: residents


RDA, in its master plan, proposes to widen 18 main roads in the city

It also proposes to widen roads in market areas where encroachments were cleared recently

Raichur: The Raichur City Municipal Council (CMC) has given its approval for widening several roads in the city as proposed by the master plan prepared by the Raichur Development Authority (RDA).

The CMC took a decision in this regard at a meeting held on Monday.

The RDA, in its master plan, has proposed to widen 18 main roads in the city mainly to ease traffic congestion. It also proposes to widen roads up to 60 ft in some of the main market areas in the city where the district administration cleared encroachments recently.

The CMC decision has come as a shock to residents and shopkeepers in areas where the recent drive against encroachments was carried out.

Residents shocked

The CMC decision has come at a time when the district administration is repairing roads, drains and other infrastructure facilities in the main market areas where illegal structures were pulled down. The district administration has also finalised estimates for beautification of a few circles that were cleared of encroachments. The Government has sanctioned Rs. 3 crore for the works.

The residents and shopkeepers at Cloth Bazaar, Harihara Road, S.N.T. Road, Goshala Road, Bhangikunta, Gunj Circle, Mouleshwara Circle, Mahaveer Circle, Teen Khandil and Kati Darwaza Circle had heaved a sigh of relief when the district administration had announced that it would not implement any master plan in these areas. Many of them have started repairs of their buildings.

However, if the CMC goes ahead with its plan to widen the roads (which now have an average width of 30 ft) in these areas further, portions of several buildings will have to be demolished.

These residents are now accusing the CMC of taking a “unilateral” decision with regard to implementing the master plan.

They said the council failed to take people and the district administration into confidence before taking the decision.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 April 2010 05:23