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Road Development

Project to replace all street lights begins

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The Times of India                  02.04.2013

Project to replace all street lights begins

CHANDIGARH: The joint exercise of engineering wing of MC and UT administration to replace all street lights in the city has finally begun as the authorities have identified 16 sectors and three areas in colonies and villages to replace the existing lights with energy-efficient LED lights in the first phase. The authorities will spent around Rs 3 crore in the first phase to provide new lights on V6 (internal roads) of the city while the remaining parts of the city will be covered later in a phased manner.

After the detailed survey and testing of LED lights on field, authorities have identified internal roads of sectors 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 and roads in Dhanas, Maloya and Manimajra. During the survey it was also found that there are some areas in sectors, colonies and villages where gap between light poles is also very wide. Therefore, while installing lights, some new poles will also be fixed along internal roads of residential areas.

As per the initial rough financial assessment, the total cost of the replacement of each fitting will be around Rs 4,150 and the lowest bidder would also provide free maintenance for a period of five years. "We have planned to cover at least one third of the city in the first phase, covering 16 sectors and three villages and colonies including Manimajra. Besides complete replacement of lights in these areas, another significant part of the project is that we are going for a new technology by installing energy-efficient LED lights and if everything goes well the remaining work will also be completed in the current year itself," said city mayor Subash Chawla. Non-functional street lights in almost all residential parts of the city had been a major cause of concern for city residents, with many accidents and incidents of crime directly being attributed to it over the years.

There are around 40,000 street lights in the city, which are divided between Chandigarh municipal corporation and Chandigarh administration for their upkeep. Therefore, both of the wings were brought together to initiate the joint project of entire replacement of street lights in the city.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 02 April 2013 11:37

Land acquisition: Kochi awaits government nod

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The New Indian Express                    02.04.2013

Land acquisition: Kochi awaits government nod


LEDs to replace streetlight lamps in sectors 25, 27 to 38 and Manimajra

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The Indian Express                       02.04.2013

LEDs to replace streetlight lamps in sectors 25, 27 to 38 and Manimajra

The first phase of the Municipal Corporation's drive to replace sodium vapour lamps, in streetlights on V-6 roads, with Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) will cover Sectors 20 to 25, 27 to 38 (W) as well as Manimajra. The civic body has asked the UT Administration to prepare the estimates for the initiative.

At a recently held meeting, authorities had decided to replace streetlights on the V-6 roads in residential areas with LEDs.

This was done after frequent complaints from residents about non-functional streetlights especially on the V-6 roads.

While streetlights along most roads are maintained by the Municipal Corporation, those on the V-6 roads fall under the UT Administration. The civic body pays maintenance charges, for these, to the Administration.

A decision has been taken to replace the streetlights on all V-6 roads. In the first phase, some sectors would be taken up.

The Administration has been asked to prepare the estimates after which the MC would allocate the requisite amount.

LEDs are considered more energy efficient and last longer. While the initial cost is more than that of installation of sodium vapour lamps, the life of LEDs is more.


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