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Road Development

Roads developed at Karanakkodam

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The New Indian Express  09.09.2010

Roads developed at Karanakkodam

Karanakodam, a UDF stronghold. EPS

KOCHI: Karanakodam, a UDF stronghold, is in the general category this time too. The councillor of the area, T J Vinod, says he has concentrated on two things while carrying out the development activities in his division - the development of roads and on reducing water-logging, which is the biggest problem of the division.

T J Vinod says - “The two kilometres of Stadium Link road from Stadium to Pullepady has been developed with the co-operation of a beneficiary committee comprising builders and landowners in the area. The rest of this road is to be developed.

Funds have been allotted from JNNURM for this purpose. Another major road work has been the development of the road from South Janatha to Stadium along the Adimuri Thodu. The Corporation General Fund was used for this purpose.” The councillor claims that almost all the roads in his division have been maintained and tarred during the last term. Both the general fund and the People’s Plan fund was used for this purpose. Some byroads have also been concreted. SV lamps have been installed in the entire division.

According to him, ` 23 lakh from the Corporation has been used to provide land documents to 197 families at Santhipuram Colony.

Waterlogging problems in the division have been solved to a large extent by making larger drains and culverts in Siva Lane road and Indira lane. A master drain built on the Pipeline Road has solved the waterlogging troubles of that area. All the drains have been covered with concrete slabs. The general fund has been utilised for this purpose.

According to him, fifty houses were allotted in the division under BSUP scheme. Basic infrastructure work was carried out at Santhipuram colony spending ` 18 lakh from KSUDP fund. A park has been built and roads tarred and lights installed in the area.

Residents here complain that there is still waterlogging problems in some areas like the Karanakodam, St Jude Church area. Residents at South Janatha Road area say that potable water shortage has been acute in the area, in recent times.

Last Updated on Thursday, 09 September 2010 12:09

GHMC sits on `6cr for roads

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The Deccan Chronicle  09.09.2010

GHMC sits on `6cr for roads

Hyderabad, Sept. 8: The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation is sitting on `6.5 crore for nearly a month now, waiting for a dry spell to take up full-fledged repairs of the city’s roads even as motorists continue to suffer.

Though temporary repairs have been taken up several times during the last month, most were washed away within 24 hours. Incessant rains have turned pot holes into craters and officials estimate that nearly 500-km of accumulated length of roads in the city need full-fledged repairs.

The GHMC Opposition leader, Mr Singireddy Srinivas, of the TD said: “I have been saying that temporary repairs will not work. People are complaining of developing back pains due to driving on bad roads. It will not be a shocking incident if a pregnant woman delivers on the way to hospital. I have never seen such bad roads in my life.”

Experts, however, said that any top-quality of road would also get washed away if rain water stagnated on it. “The GHMC should concentrate on improving the road engineering strategy. The level of the road should be higher in the middle compared to its boundary on either side. Then there should be a drain channel all along the road on either side for water to flow into it,” the chairman of the Institution of Engineers, Mr S. Nagabhushan Rao said.

“We are waiting for a dry spell to take up the repairs. Even tenders have been invited and finalised. But there is no respite from the rain. Water is the biggest enemy of bitumen and we cannot take up repairs unless we get two to three days of dry spell. We are in constant touch with the Hyderabad Meteorological department authorities for weather forecasts,” the GHMC chief engineer, Mr Dhan Singh, told this correspondent.

The GHMC commissioner, Dr Sameer Sharma, said that another `9 crore has also been allocated to lay cement road stretches at 150 identified perennial damage points.

However, these works would be taken up only after the rainy season.

Last Updated on Thursday, 09 September 2010 11:15

Edapally boasts of plastic roads

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The New Indian Express  04.09.2010

Edapally boasts of plastic roads

KOCHI: Edappally, represented by Health Standing Committee Chairman, Kochi Corporation - NA Mani - will  be reserved for women next time. The UDF is hoping to win back the division which was traditionally a UDF stronghold. However, the task might not be easy as the councillor claims, as steps have been taken to ensure that almost all the problems of the division, some of them perennial, have been solved.

According to the councillor, much has been done to improve the roads in the division. “About 12 roads in the division have been tarred using the general fund from the Corporation. Vinayaka Nagar Road was made suitable for transportation by increasing its width.  The land owned by Edapally palace was donated for this purpose. ` 10 lakh has been spent on Jawahar Nagar Road where  metalling has been done and drainage built. Almost all the byroads in the division have been concreted.      

He says in areas where water-logging is severe like Ponekkara road, new drains have been built. Pullon Thodu was widened. Mani is especially proud of the fact that it is in his division that plastic tarring was done on some roads. Four roads in the division - the Chennankulangara Road and three roads in the Prasant Nagar area have been tarred using plastic.

The new Edappally Raghavan Pillai Park was built on the 22 cents of land developed using the ` 22,30,000 from the People’s Plan fund. The Anganwadi and homoeo dispensary near the railway gate which were built with KSUDP fund was much needed here.

“Streetlights have been put across the division. Apart from putting SV lamps in some areas, tubelights have been installed wherever it was needed. A High-Max light was put at Edappally Junction using the division fund.”  According to him, funds from the People’s Plan were utilised to maintain the Edappally UP School compound and buy computers for the school.

Forty-four houses were sanctioned under the BSUP in this division. The councillor says  basic infrastructure works were done at Kandangaakulam Colony utilising the KSUDP fund.

An Anganwadi was also built in the area as part of this work. Another major work was the renovation work done at the Edappally hospital.

Residents here say that though water-logging has been solved to an extent, there is still waterlogging and water shortage in certain areas due to pumping troubles, they say. They complain that congestion on byroads often becomes an issue in certain areas.

Last Updated on Saturday, 04 September 2010 11:59

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