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DDA flats: No address, power or water

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The Times of India  27.08.2010

DDA flats: No address, power or water

NEW DELHI: As if a two-year wait for a house is not long enough, Delhi Development Authority (DDA) is now giving out flats without the basic amenities water and electricity connections. "Successful'' allottees of DDA's 2008 Housing Scheme in Vasant Kunj have been living in their flats without water and power. They were allotted the 795 flats in March 2010.

That's not all. Harish Chand, owner of flat number 783, claims he doesn't get mail as the DDA colony hasn't even got an address yet. "No pocket number has been allotted to this area and that's why couriers don't come here,'' says Chand. There aren't any shops in the neighbourhood either.

It is, however, the lack of water and electricity that has stopped allottees from taking up residence. "We had been told that in 10 days we would get a permanent connection but that didn't happen. The only connection available is a temporary one which we use for basic purposes like pumping water up to our flat,'' said Krishna Meena, who stays in flat number 279. When the TOI visited the place, it saw empty electric and water boards, with naked wires dangling in the open. In place of a meter, a plastic bottle was kept in the meter box. Some residents say they were forced to take up temporary connection for day-to-day living, but with high rates Rs 8/unit as against the regular rate of Rs 2.5/unit the costs are too high, they say.

Even the temporary connection doesn't help. The families living in the complex complain of power cuts for four days at the stretch. "We can't rely on the temporary connections power does not come for days together,'' says Meena. "They haven't provided us with water meters either. We have to buy from tankers for Rs 500, which barely lasts for four days,'' Rajesh Kayala, resident of flat number 562, added. TOI found that water meters were also seen missing from their designated place, with supply pipes going into empty boxes.

DDA spokesperson Neemo Dhar claims DDA is not responsible. "I am aware of some conflict with the discom but the residents were asked to sign an undertaking of approval before getting the possession slip.'' Senior DDA officials say a review meeting had been held last month with the V-C, Ashok Nigam. "We had told the residents to go for temporary connections for now. We will provide permanent ones later. They had agreed,'' said the official.

Kayala says the undertaking is not valid. "We had signed it six months ago. when we were told that it won't take more than 10 days to get the connections. It's six months now.''

A BSES spokesperson said it had indeed given no connections since "there are no electricity lines laid by the BSES in the area.''

The residents also complain of the approach road to the society getting submerged in knee-deep water. "There is no drainage system for the water to pass and it's stagnant for days together. When it rains, the lanes inside the society also get flooded and there is no way you can bring your car inside the society,'' said Suman Chandra, a resident.

"DDA should not be allowed to cheat people like this, I am thinking of selling my flat to some property dealer, the fight is not worth it,'' adds Chand.

Last Updated on Friday, 27 August 2010 10:02