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KHB park to get facelift soon

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The Deccan Herald  30.08.2010

KHB park to get facelift soon

The long pending demand of improvement of a park in Karnataka Housing Board (KHB) colony, is likely to be completed in a few months.








The residents are happy now, as the local body has taken up improvement  of this park at an estimated cost of Rs 30 lakh under the Chief  Minister’s Special Grant.

The works are going on in full speed. Keeping in view the demands of senior citizens, children and people of all ages, the park is being given a new look. 

This park had turned into cricket ground for colony students, besides a dumping yard,  and fitting venue to host functions all these years due to negligence of CMC officials.

A contractor who has bagged the contract, has  already fenced the whole area, erected two gates and completed other works. Works on construction of fountain, walking track, playground for children,  seats and other facilities are going on. The CMC is planning to grow ornamental flowers.

The contractor has been given three months time to complete all the works. The people have demanded improvement of all other parks in the city out of the funds given by the government.


Last Updated on Monday, 30 August 2010 11:47