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BMC gets tough with sea-side homes

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The Times of India              21.10.2010

BMC gets tough with sea-side homes

 MUMBAI: The BMC has started to tighten the noose around the illegal sea-side bungalows, film studios and temporary sets constructed in violation of development and fire-safety bylaws in the areas of Malad and Malvani, home to a flourishing film and television industry which is 'misusing' acres of open space and deserted industrial estates.

While officials have prepared an inventory of illegal bungalows, studios and sets erected inside estates and along seafront, four structures have been demolished so far and notices served to over a dozen in the past two weeks alone. "Those who have already been served warning notices, we will now ask their owners to produce documents to prove the legality of the structures. And, if any violation is found, we will continue to take action against such structures ," said a senior civic official.

This week alone, 1,000 sq ft bungalow at Dongar Pada and another studio measuring 5,000 sq ft at Dana Pani Beach near Aksa have been razed by the civic demolition squad. Officials said while producers need the BMC building proposal department's and the fire brigade's nod for constructing a set or studio inside an estate and change the nature of use (from industrial to film or TV studio ), the bungalow owners carry out addition and alteration to the structures. "While there is no fire-safety equipment in several of the studios, the bungalows have either carried out alteration and additions in violation of the laws over the years or are violating the coastal norms," the officials added.

The BMC had carried out similar drives in the past but did not make much headway since the complainants withdrew their applications. "The professional complainants not only take money to register complaints but also withdraw it for the same reason," said an officer.

In the drive last year, The BMC demolitioan squad had razed sets of Mere Apne, a soap opera produced by Smriti Irani in an industrial estate on Malad- Link Road. It was apparently constructed without permission. Another set that was demolished was Kya Aap Panchvi Fail Champu Hai; the set was set up on a no-development-zone plot in Malvani and did not have the BMC's permission, officials said.