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Action plan prepared for slum-free city

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The Hindu  22.10.2010

Action plan prepared for slum-free city

Special Correspondent

Centre will fund Rs.11,282 crore project in five phases under RAY

HYDERABAD: The GHMC has prepared a plan of action for making a ‘slum free' capital through their integrated development by providing for basic amenities and affordable housing at an estimated cost of Rs.11,282 crore.

Hyderabad is among the select cities marked by the Central government for the plan and it will foot the entire bill in five phases as grants under the ambitious Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY). Precise guidelines by the Union Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation and allocation of funds are to come out in two months. The Municipal Corporation is expecting at least Rs. 500 crore as the first tranche in the forthcoming Union Budget.

RAY objectives are up gradation of existing slums by making provision for infrastructure and housing, redevelopment of model housing on site in partnership with a private developer and total relocation. There are 1,475 slums in the twin cities of which 1,178 are recognized and 297 not.

These are further to be divided into hazardous and non-hazardous slums with the former to be identified for total relocation to a nearby site. For the second category, the enumeration will look into present condition of houses and requirement of modern dwellings, basic infrastructure, etc.

Senior officials claim that basic data of all the slums was completed and a strategy too was developed to realize the goals of the scheme. The Centre for Good Governance (CGG) has released a Management Information System (MIS) module and uploaded the data. Integration of GIS and MIS data for 300 slums is currently on as well as development of a GIS map for each slum.

Modern housing could be in the public, private partnership (PPP) mode where cross subsidization can be done through Floor Space Index (FSI) and land use concessions. Development can also be through individuals and group societies to be formed.

Slums identified for development under the PPP mode will further be categorized based on availability of land, value and location to plan for dwelling units, basic infrastructure and area for commercial activity.

Last Updated on Friday, 22 October 2010 10:20