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“DDA flats should only be allotted to Delhiites”

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The Hindu     29.11.2010

“DDA flats should only be allotted to Delhiites”

Staff Reporter

NEW DELHI: Former Union Minister Vijay Goel has demanded that only residents of the Capital be allotted the 16,237 flats under the Delhi Development Authority's new housing scheme.

Questioning the justification in inviting applications on an all-India basis for DDA Residential Housing Scheme-2010, Mr. Goel said the objective of the Authority was to provide facilities for those living in Delhi. “Therefore, it is appropriate that the 16,237 flats should be given only to the residents of the city. The flats are being made on land acquired from the local residents.”

So far, 276,000 forms have been sold and there is likelihood of them crossing the 10 lakh mark as it happened last time when for the 5,238 flats 567,000 forms were filled. “In the previous sale, the DDA had earned more than Rs.200 crore, which worked out to Rs.4 lakh per flat. Now the forms are selling for Rs.105 each and the Authority will earn lakhs of rupees from this,” he said.

Pointing out that there was a requirement for 24 lakh extra dwelling units for Delhi local residents, Mr. Goel said there was no justification to announce allotment of the flats for the entire country.

“During the last meeting with Union Urban Development Minister Jaipal Reddy on January 30, 2009, he had clearly stated that the DDA flats were meant for those who were living and working in Delhi, possess proper ration cards and have been dreaming for years for a dwelling unit in the city. But the flats will now be purchased by outsiders from investment angle only because these are selling at cheaper than market rate,” he said.