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Slum dwellers in Chitradurga demand basic amenities

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The Hindu   25.07.2012

Slum dwellers in Chitradurga demand basic amenities

Staff Correspondent

 Members of the district committee of the Karnataka Kolegeri Nivasigala Samyukta Sanghatane on Tuesday took out a rally here seeking fulfilment of various demands, including property rights.

They raised slogans against the State government and the district administration for allegedly not providing basic amenities in their colony even after repeated appeals.

They demanded that toilets be constructed for free in all houses in slums, besides providing an underground drainage system. As the authorities concerned were demanding various documents for issuing ration cards, they should be instructed by the district administration to go ahead with the process based on the records submitted last year.

CCTV cameras

The protesters said that measures such as installation of CCTV cameras in government offices be taken to prevent exploitation of the beneficiaries of various schemes, including old-age and widow pension, by ‘mediators’. Their other demands included increasing the number of personnel at nemmadi kendras after cancelling the contracts with private agencies that had been assigned the task, adequate and regular supply of drinking water in slums, and conducting sanitation programmes in such areas across the district.


Deputy Commissioner Vipul Bansal, who received the memorandum, said that steps would be taken to fulfil the slum dwellers’ demands and officers would be instructed to provide basic amenities.

  • They want toilets constructed for free in all houses in slums
  • Increase the number of personnel in neemadi kendras: protesters