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Housing: only 37 p.c. of last year’s target met

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The Hindu               27.06.2013

Housing: only 37 p.c. of last year’s target met

Staff Correspondent

Of the targeted 21,345 dwellings, only 8,004 have been built

Housing Minister M.H. Ambareesh on Wednesday said Karnataka could become “slum-free” only if officials worked in coordination with elected representatives. They (officials) must make efforts to engage private participation in housing, while working closely with people’s representatives, he said.

Presiding over a review meeting with officials from the district, at the Deputy Commissioner’s office here, Mr. Ambareesh said the officials should strive to realise the target set under various housing schemes for the previous year.

The target set for the current year should not cause a delay in completing the previous year’s work, he stated.

Zilla panchayat Chief Executive Officer P.A. Gopal said the target for constructing houses for the previous financial year was 21,345. However, so far, only 8,004 houses had been constructed.

On hearing this, the elected representatives voiced their displeasure.

They questioned the delay in completing the housing projects and sought to know the problems in achieving the targets.

Mr. Ambareesh later inspected the work on houses for slum-dwellers here. He was accompanied by Vasu, MLA, and officials from the Karnataka Housing Board (KHB) and the slum clearance board.