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Powerful housing regulator top on minister’s agenda

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Indian Express 14.11.2009

Powerful housing regulator top on minister’s agenda

Even as he wants the Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority (MHADA) to bid like private developers for public-private partnership (PPP) projects, Minister of State for Housing Sachin Ahir seeks to establish a powerful housing regulator that would cover the high income group housing in addition to projects meant for the lower and middle income groups.

Pointing to the shortage of land in Mumbai that is hindering the availability of affordable housing for the middle class in the metropolis, NCP member and Worli MLA Ahir said it was necessary for the MHADA to take the lead in projects like the redevelopment of BDD chawls and ensure maximum housing stock for the middle class.

“The MHADA should take the initiative in PPP projects,” he said, adding that the authority could also enter into joint ventures and take over projects that had been affected by recession. “Why should the MHADA not take the lead?... If it takes the initiative like private developers, then the middle class will get middle income group and lower income group housing.”

Ahir said the government would give priority to the proposed housing regulatory authority. The Maharashtra Housing Regulatory Commission Bill has been pending for over a year. The authority, which has been planned on the lines of TRAI or SEBI, will help rationalise the prices of houses for the middle and lower income groups and fix the percentage of such affordable flats that private developers have to build in their residential projects.

However, he said it was necessary for the authority to cover high income group projects as well, with the rates fixed by the authority serving as a sort of ready reckoner. “It is my opinion that it (regulatory authority) has to cover all projects.”

Ahir said the government would ensure transparency in the slum rehabilitation authority schemes besides strengthening the regional boards of MHADA.

Last Updated on Saturday, 14 November 2009 11:21