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DDA to issue allotment letters soon

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Indian Express 16.11.2009

DDA to issue allotment letters soon

The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) said on Sunday that it will complete issuing allotment letters to successful applicants of the 2008 housing scheme, which was mired in controversy over allegations of rigging.

“Successful applicants will be issued letters of allotment by November 30, which shall reach them latest by the first week of December,” a senior official said.

The allotment of flats was held up earlier this year due to allegations that a former DDA official and some others had managed to get allotments of some flats reserved for scheduled tribes and scheduled castes through fraudulent means.

On October 29, the DDA announced that it would commence allotment of flats in November after Thiruvananthapuram-based C-DAC gave a clean chit to the software used for the draw of lots.


Last Updated on Monday, 16 November 2009 11:15