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‘Need to pass slums through proper channels’

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The Hindu 02.02.2010

‘Need to pass slums through proper channels’

Staff Reporter

Delhi Government usurping municipal powers, alleges MPD-2021 panel’s chief


‘MCD, DDA authorised to approve these colonies’

‘Delhi Government has taken undue advantage’

NEW DELHI: Municipal Corporation of Delhi Master Plan-2021 Implementation Committee chairman Ved Prakash Gupta has drawn the attention of Lieutenant-Governor Tejendra Khanna to the issue of regularisation of unauthorised colonies and providing provisional certificates to them.

Mr. Gupta said that as per MPD-2021 Chapter 17, Section 3(11), the layout plan, site plan and building plan were sought to be approved by the local bodies and the authority in their area of jurisdiction but instead they were approved by the Delhi Government.

“Of the 1,600 unauthorised colonies, 1,400 were provided provisional certificates by the Delhi Government before the last State Assembly elections. However, as per the list of unauthorised colonies fit for regularisation released last month by the Delhi Government, only 600 colonies have been approved by them leaving the status of the rest in a lurch. Furthermore, the provisional ownership has been transferred to these colonies by the Delhi Government without approval of their layout plans by the MCD to extract political benefit,” he added.

Mr. Gupta alleged that it was in the jurisdiction of the MCD and the Delhi Development Authority to approve these colonies but the Delhi Government had tried to take “undue advantage of their power” by surpassing the MPD provisions. “The MCD made the peripheral survey of these colonies and asked the RWAs to submit their layout plans. But they are of the opinion that since they have already been provided the provisional certificate why should they go through the process of submission of plans,” he added.

Mr. Gupta said: “Unless the layout plans in these colonies are passed either by the MCD or the DDA, we would not be able to provide civic services such as roads, drains, parks, community halls and barat ghars in these colonies. We have asked the L-G to intervene in the matter and ensure that regularisation of unauthorised colonies and providing of provisional certificates is done through proper channels.”

Last Updated on Tuesday, 02 February 2010 02:50