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Local Administration Department seeks funds for housing scheme

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The Hindu 27.04.2010

Local Administration Department seeks funds for housing scheme

N.J. Nair

Move in the wake of differences with Housing Department over fund sharing

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Following inter-departmental differences of opinion over apportioning of funds for housing schemes of the State government, the Local Administration Department is understood to have sought a fair share of the budgetary allocation for the EMS Housing Scheme.

Official sources told The Hindu here that the department had urged the Finance Department to provide its due from the budgetary allocation of Rs.17 crore in 2007-08 and Rs.20 crore in 2008-09 for housing, which it claimed to have remained unspent. This claim has been staked in the wake of differences with the Housing Department over funds sharing.

Two schemes

The Housing Department had launched a scheme for renovating the twin houses constructed under the One Lakh Housing Scheme, which was named after the CPI leader M.N. Govindan Nair.

The scheme to construct 5.22 lakh houses for Rs.5,000 crore was launched in May 2007 as part of the golden jubilee celebrations of the sweaing in of the first government led by E.M.S. Namboodiripad and hence was named after him. As per the scheme, it has been proposed to construct 3.76 lakh houses for those who own a plot of land and 1.46 lakh houses for the landless poor.

Housing for the marginalised sections has been made the responsibility of local self-government institutions (LSGIs) following the 73rd amendment to the Constitution and the task was entrusted with civic bodies. While panchayats availed themselves of a loan of Rs.2,800 crore to be repaid in 10 years, it was also proposed to garner funds from various sources, including public donations.

Both the schemes are being implemented by the civic bodies.

The twin houses were to be renovated and made single dwellings. The expenses are being shared by the Kerala State Housing Board as well as the civic bodies with the board contributing Rs.75,000 and the LSGIs Rs.25,000 per house.

The civic bodies have switched over to People's Plan Campaign mode for completing the EMS Housing Scheme with mass participation.

The alleged reluctance of the Housing Department in apportioning the budgetary allocation is reported to have prompted the Local Administration Department to seek its due.

The department has officially communicated its demand to the Finance Department, sources said.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 27 April 2010 04:48