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Slum Development / Housing

Housing schemes: survey in CRZ areas soon

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The Hindu 29.12.2009

Housing schemes: survey in CRZ areas soon

Staff Reporter

BSUP project hampered by lack of land documents


LSGIs to prepare report on rehabilitation

Applicants can get aid by submitting possession deed

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The city Corporation will soon launch a survey in the coastal wards to identify families and potential beneficiaries of government-sponsored mass housing schemes currently living within the area falling under the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ).

The Corporation has taken up the survey following an order issued by the Department of Local Self-Government directing local self-government institutions (LSGIs) to prepare a detailed report on the rehabilitation of residents in the CRZ area.

The CRZ zoning regulations, as well as the lack of valid land ownership records among beneficiaries, had emerged as a major hurdle to the implementation of a mass housing project taken up by the Corporation under the Basic Services for the Urban Poor (BSUP) project in the coastal wards of the city. The majority of applicants who applied for housing financial assistance under the scheme could not make it to the list, as the eligibility criteria excluded those who did not possess land of their own.

The Local Self-Government Department is now planning to take up the issue of CRZ regulations by identifying coastal communities whose traditional dwelling habitat falls in the CRZ area. A senior official told The Hindu that the Department hopes to bank on a particular clause in the CRZ notification that provides scope to upgrade houses of traditional dwellers within the CRZ area.

Coastal dwellers

“In Kerala, fishing communities fall under this category of traditional coastal dwellers.

“So if we identify such families, we can use this provision to include them in housing schemes like EMS and BSUP after taking up the matter with the CRZ management authorities concerned,” the official said.

The coastal BSUP project is aimed at providing financial assistance of up to Rs 1.15 lakh to 5,500 families from 14 coastal wards in the city. Although the Corporation received 4,500 applications under the scheme, only 750 applications could be successfully processed so far.

Meanwhile, the Local Self-Government Department has decided to address the issue of lack of valid land documents by extending the project to applicants who avail themselves of possession certificates from revenue authorities. Following a request made by the city Corporation, the department has decided to give concession in the building permit rules to project beneficiaries who submit possession certificates. Under the existing building rules, building permit can only be given to a land owner who possesses either a title deed or a valid land document.

“Applicants can now get financial assistance under the scheme by submitting the possession certificate along with the building plan at the Corporation by March 2010,” said Corporation Welfare standing committee S.A. Sundar.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 29 December 2009 02:28

HMDA norms for affordable housing

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The Hindu 26.12.2009

HMDA norms for affordable housing

Revised Master Plan for Core Area specifies standards for planning and design apart from other parameters on height, size and parking requirements

Consumer-friendly: With many builders venturing into affordable housing following the slowdown in realty sector, HMDA has come out with a revised master plan.

The concept of affordable housing has caught the fancy of builders and developers in the wake of slowdown in real estate activities and this is also being seen as only viable aspect in the present crisis situation by the construction industry.

It is in this backdrop, the Revised Master Plan for Core Area (Erstwhile MCH Area) of Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority has come out with standards for planning and design apart from other parameters on height, size and parking requirements.

Notified for objections and suggestions, it puts the minimum plot size for affordable housing scheme to be 1,000 sq.mts., and ensure community open space of minimum 10 per cent of total site area out of which not more than 3 per cent may be utilised for shopping centre/public facilities centre and to be developed as a separate block. While the parking for EWS and LIG is expected to be exclusively for 2-wheelers, the same for MIG and other categories is to comprise both 2 and 4-wheelers.

The maximum size of unit area permissible in such schemes has been suggested at 35 sq.mts for EWS, 48 sq.mts for LIG and 80 sq.mts and the same excluding common areas like balcony, staircase and corridor.

The height of the dwelling units building/blocks covered under the component has been put at 15m excluding the stilt parking floor.

In these schemes since affordability is the key factor, low cost construction techniques, sustainable building and construction should be ensured, says the notification. Incentives to public agencies/private builders/developers undertaking the schemes are also on offer.

The notification also lay down land use zoning regulations with classifications and the same include water bodies zone, transportation zone and special reservation zone. The special reservation zone among others has defence/military lands, burial grounds, cremation grounds apart from rocks and hills and natural heritage.

The water bodies zone that indicate all existing water bodies, rivers, streams, lakes, tanks and kuntas will have no construction permitted in the water-spread (FTL) and the buffer belt of minimum 30 metres around the FTL.


Under incentives for road widening and new link roads, it is mentioned that any land owner who surrenders land voluntarily for link roads, connecting links and others shall be allowed air rights to build over the road link to the extent of his site.

T. Lalith Singh

Last Updated on Saturday, 26 December 2009 02:24

Govt to DDA: Buy 8,000 houses we built

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Indian Express 24.12.2009

Govt to DDA: Buy 8,000 houses we built

The Delhi government has requested the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) to buy 8,000 units built by it after failing to identify beneficiaries under various housing schemes for the urban poor.

The proposal was floated at a recent meeting with Union Urban Development Minister Jaipal Reddy.

The government contended that since most slums in Delhi have come up on land owned by central agencies like the Railways or DDA, it was nearly impossible for it to find potential beneficiaries. “On DDA and railway-owned land, on-site slum redevelopment cannot be undertaken by the state. But we can provide flats that are ready with us for rehabilitation purposes,” Delhi Finance Minister A K Walia said.

Beneficiaries will have to pay Rs 60,000 for a flat, located in areas like Bawana, according to officials. They have been built by the Delhi State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (DSIIDC) at an estimated cost of around Rs 3-4 lakh each.

Walia said, “Keeping in mind the Commonwealth Games, slum clusters near the sites can be taken up on priority basis and flats which are ready can be allotted.”

By March 2010, the government will have additional 15,000 flats for the urban poor, he added. Nearly 21 per cent of the city’s total population resides in 6 lakh slums.

The Centre had earlier turned down the Delhi government’s proposal to raise beneficiary contribution, citing high land costs in Delhi, from the current Rs 60,000 to around Rs 80,000 to Rs 1 lakh. For the government, it will be a win-win situation if the DDA buys these flats — it will be able to recover its investment without having to bear the burden of providing additional housing subsidy to the urban poor.

Delhi has embarked on an ambitious urban poor housing programme after the Centre approved 65,000 units under its urban infrastructure renewal scheme — Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission — to be built by DSIIDC, DDA and the Slum department.

Last Updated on Thursday, 24 December 2009 11:29

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