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Ramky may take up garbage collection

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The Deccan Chronicle 02.08.2010

Ramky may take up garbage collection

Aug. 1: Ramky Enviro Engineers Limited may begin garbage collection, its transportation and disposal this week. Though Ramky has bagged the project for collection of garbage in the entire city, the civic body is planning to assign the task in only the East and West zones of Greater Hyderabad.

Depending on its performance, Ramky would be handed over garbage collection operations in other parts of the city in a phased manner.
The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) officials discussed the issue recently with leaders of GHMC Bhagyanagar Municipal Employees Union, which has been opposing the civic body’s deal with Ramky. The leaders alleged that GHMC gave the garbage project on a platter to Ramky, compromising the interests of the contract workers and regular employees working in sanitation, garbage and transportation sections of the GHMC.

Sources said, representatives from Ramky offered to hike the wages of workers and also sign an agreement with the union that the present strength of contract and regular emp-loyees would not be cut.

The Ramky representatives also offered a tri-partite agreement between GHMC, employees and workers unions and Ramky. However, the union leaders told the officials and Ramky representatives that they would discuss the details with workers and employees and get back to them on Saturday.

The union leaders said, “Till date, we have not changed our stand on allowing Ramky to take up solid waste management project at Jawaharnagar dumping yard and other dumping sites.

Last Updated on Monday, 02 August 2010 05:50