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Garbage can be resource

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The Deccan Chronicle  04.08.2010

Garbage can be resource

Garbage can be a resource if segregated. Wet waste can be converted into biogas and a number of things like paper and plastic that are thrown away can be recycled in the interest of saving the environment. As we did not get much help from BBMP on this front we have tied up with ITC for the project.

The dry waste such as paper is taken by ITC and recycled in its factory. Around 50 tonnes of paper was transported from Bengaluru to the ITC factory in Coimbatore last month. The plastic waste goes to KK Plastic Waste Management which uses it in road construction. BBMP should train its pourakarmikas in waste segregation.

Also, BBMP must provide a designated place to store the segregated waste to make solid waste management a success. While most apartments have ample space to store the segregated waste, it is not as easy for those living in independent houses as they have less storage space. We organise awareness programmes in various localities and would like BBMP to participate in them so that we can reach a larger section of society.

— The writer is former president of Kumarapark West Residents Welfare Association and member of Solid Waste Management Roundtable.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 04 August 2010 05:54