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Why the delay to remove the decayed waste?

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The New Indian Express  23.09.2010

Why the delay to remove the decayed waste?

KOCHI: The hardships faced by the public due to the leakage of biogas plant at the Ernakulam Market continued on Wednesday as the civic body failed to take any adequate measures to remove the decayed waste that gushed into the market pond. Though the Corporation officials promised that they will bring sucking pumps from the Brahmapuram Solid Waste Treatment Plant to clean the pond and the nearby area, the plan is yet to be executed.

The efforts of the Corporation committee have so far been restricted to a superficial cleaning process by sprinkling bleaching powder in the pond. The stink  still persists in the area. The only relief for the people was the heavy rain on Wednesday night which has brought down the nauseating smell to an extent. “Though the officials undertook an inspection, no steps have been taken to process the decayed waste deposited in the biogas plant. The chances of another leakage are high. So most of the vendors are moving out to different locations,” said Saleem, a vegetable vendor.

Last Updated on Thursday, 23 September 2010 10:06