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TMC approves devt works worth ` 45 lakh

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The Deccan Herald  29.09.2010

TMC approves devt works worth ` 45 lakh

Chikmagalur, September 28, DHNS:

Town Municipality Council has approved the proposed development works, planned to be taken up at an estimated cost of Rs 45.85 lakh under the 13th Finance Commission sanction, on Tuesday.

Nearly 25 per cent of the sanction will be utilised for solid waste management. A total of Rs 13.75 lakh has been reserved for the purchase of tractor, trolleys, containers, push carts and drums, said Engineer Tejmurthy.

Member Leela said that most of the push carts, which are used to collect garbage in the town, do not have wheels. Women, who collect garbage, find it difficult to push such carts, she added.

Meanwhile, another Member Apsar Ahmed suggested that modern push carts should be introduced to make work easier.

Water supply

Municipality President Srinivasa said that Rs 6.88 lakh will be reserved for the expansion of water supply network in the town limits. Responding to members’ demand for more borewells in the town, he said that the Council will look into the matter.

Tejmurthy said that Rs 4.59 lakh has been sanctioned for the maintenance of underground drainage in the town. A total of Rs 11.46 lakh has been reserved for the installation of street lights and Rs 2.29 lakh will be released for the development of garden. Development works including installation of modern street lights on I G Road and Municipal Office renovation will be taken up at an estimated cost of Rs 2.30 lakh, Tejmurthy added.

Clogged drainages

Members Apsar Ahmed, Janaih and Leela said that drainages at many places in the town were clogged due to rain. They said that Municipality should give priority to clear drainages and to construct drainages in new layouts.

Members brought to the notice of the Council that the water tank constructed near DCC Bank in the town is not being utilised properly.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 29 September 2010 09:25