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Priority to waste management: CMC chief

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The Hindu  05.10.2010

Priority to waste management: CMC chief

Staff Correspondent

Udupi: Kiran Kumar, president of the Udupi City Municipal Council (CMC), said on Monday that solid waste management was being given highest priority.

He was speaking at an interaction programme organised by the Udupi Consumers' Forum, municipal council, Rotary Club and Inner Wheel Club, here. Members of Consumer and Interact clubs from various high schools participated in the programme.

Mr. Kumar said that any cleanliness drive could be successful only if there was cooperation of people. Disposal of solid and plastic waste both posed a big challenge. The collection of garbage from houses had been implemented in many areas of the city though some rural areas were still to be covered.

A mobile squad, set up to catch anyone throwing waste on roadsides, had booked 27 persons for throwing the garbage in public places here.

The door-to-door collection of garbage could not be implemented in some areas since the self-help groups had not come forward to do the job. In some other areas, people were neither paying the fees for garbage collection nor handing over the waste to collectors. Some others were even humiliating the garbage collectors,” he said.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 05 October 2010 09:45