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Mangalore DC wants to set up recycling centre

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The Deccan Chronicle  12.10.2010

Mangalore DC wants to set up recycling centre

Oct. 11: If Mangalore deputy commissioner V Ponnuraj has his way the city corporation could set up a recycling centre for plastics and glass discarded as rubbish. Mr Ponnuraj, who has come up with the idea, explains that recycling of such waste can help both the authorities and the people keep the city clean. Buying the recyclable scrap from Mangaloreans could make them more environment conscious in the process, in his view.

“The city corporation could set up the recycling centre and invite people to bring whatever plastic and glass products they want to throw away, and buy them as scrap,” Mr Ponnuraj says. The staff at the recycling centre could buy the plastic and glass by weight and then sell them to scrap dealers, he points out.

“But this is only a suggestion, it is upto the corporation to implement,” the DC adds. He is, however, obviously keen on the idea because he feels that if this practice is started it will help in solid waste management as people will then segregate their waste at home to sell the plastic and glass to the recyclable centre.

“ We could start with glass and plastics and then depending on the response extend the scheme to other materials,” he suggests.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 12 October 2010 06:28