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Garbage disposal plan to keep birds at bay

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The Times of Indian - Ahmedabad 20.08.2009

Garbage disposal plan to keep birds at bay

AHMEDABAD: The Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation's multi-crore solid waste disposal project could be the answer to the woes of Ahmedabad airport officials!

The Ahmedabad Airport Authority has been for long blaming AMC for perennial bird hits at the airport.

But now, AMC authorities are planning an Rs 32-crore ambitious solid waste management (SWM) project under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM), which will ensure proper disposal of garbage system in all the five municipal zones of AMC.

AMC municipal commissioner, IP Gautam said, "Recently, we held meetings with AAI officials on the garbage disposal near the airport. We have taken several steps to keep the area near the surrounding wall of city airport garbage-free."

"However, we found that the airport walls have been broken at many places, which needs immediate attention from AAI officials as rag pickers use it to hide garbage, making the job difficult for AMC employees," added Gautam.

The new SWM project will have scientifically developed six garbage collection centers in the city, including one in North zone, where the airport is located.

The garbage from surrounding areas of airport, Kubernagar, Sardarnagar, Hasol, Meghaninagar, Naroda among others will be sent directly to garbage collection center at Naroda Patiya.

Explaining the innovative project, an AMC official said, "The garbage will be collected from the nearby areas and using a compressor unit will be converted into blocks, which will be later transported to Pirana dump yard in containers with a capacity of 14 to 16 tonnes.

Gautam said , "The SWM project will minimize air pollution and help create garbage-free surroundings. The whole system will be a mechanized one."

AMC will be procuring 30 such containers to transport garbage.