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‘Neighbouring States not helping Delhi in garbage disposal’

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The Hindu 28.08.2009

‘Neighbouring States not helping Delhi in garbage disposal’

Special Correspondent

Urban Development Minister A. K. Walia

NEW DELHI: Delhi Urban Development Minister A. K. Walia on Thursday said management of solid waste has become a huge problem for Delhi which produces about 8,500 metric tonnes of garbage daily.

Speaking at an environmental workshop organised by the Delhi Government jointly along with Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, and the Japan International Cooperation Agency, Dr. Walia said water conservation and waste management were vital for Delhi that was faced with management of garbage without the scope of developing new landfill sites due to paucity of land.

The Minister also charged that the neighbouring States were reluctant to provide land for disposal of Delhi’s garbage.

Rainwater harvesting

Stating that the Delhi Government was concentrating on rainwater harvesting, Dr. Walia expressed confidence that the workshop would throw light on the two complex issues of water conservation and waste management.

Delhi Chief Secretary Rakesh Mehta said the city with a population of 16 million was poor in terms of resources and had to depend for many natural things on its neighbouring States.

Last Updated on Friday, 28 August 2009 05:31