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Lalur: garbage to be cleared soon

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The Hindu        11.03.2011

Lalur: garbage to be cleared soon

Staff Reporter

Plan to reduce garbage reaching yard

The Thrissur Corporation will soon begin removing accumulated garbage from the Lalur dump yard.

A meeting of the implementation committee of the Lalur Model Project for Solid Waste Management (LAMPS) has decided to clear the garbage before the onset of monsoon.

The mounts of garbage would be dried. After removing the plastics and hazardous materials, it would be used for filling low-lying and marshy areas, according to corporation health standing committee chairman C.S. Srinivasan.

The Sevanasree workers will be engaged in removing plastics from the soil. In the initial phase, the filtered soil would be used to fill the low-lying land owned by the corporation.

The corporation has also chalked out a plan to reduce the amount of garbage reaching the Lalur yard.

Vegetable waste from the Sakthan Thampuran Market would be distributed as organic manure for farmers. A welfare committee would be formed at the market to manage the plan. It would considerably reduce the amount of garbage reaching Lalur, Mr. Srinivasan said.

Pathiyur Gopinath, chief coordinator of LAMPS, said that legal and official hurdles ahead of the project were cleared and the project would take off soon.

The regional waste processing centres are also getting ready.

Meanwhile, the Lalur Malineekarana Viruddha Samara Samithi welcomed the decision to remove the garbage from the dump yard. Samithi leader T.K. Vasu said that they would extend all possible help for the Corporation.