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Integrated solid waste management in city likely

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The Hindu       29.03.2011

Integrated solid waste management in city likely

G.V. Prasada Sarma

Municipal corporation calls for tenders

The Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation is likely to go in for integrated solid waste management (ISWM) under public-private partnership for disposal of its 900-ton-a-day garbage. It has called for tenders and the evaluation process is going on for more than a year now. While three companies have applied, two qualified. Under the ISWM, the private agency that qualifies will take the entire chain of collecting the garbage, transporting, processing, and disposing it.

Officials have said under the ISWM, the corporation will provide land and tipping fee per each ton of garbage disposed. The amount required for creation of the infrastructure for disposal of the solid waste is estimated at Rs.182 crore.

Rule implementation

The proposal will be put before the general body of the municipal corporation. After approval, it will be sent to the State government.

The GVMC has to implement the Municipal Solid Waste Management Rules 2000 issued by the Supreme Court to civic bodies separating garbage source and creating scientific land-fills.

One of the reasons for the Central Monitoring and Sanctioning Committee withholding funds due to the municipal corporation for the works executed under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal is non-implementation of the reforms in SWM.

Consequently, the corporation has committed itself for lifting garbage from the door-step of residents in half of the 72 wards by 2011 and in all the wards by 2012.

  • Of the three companies applied, two qualify
  • The proposal to be put before the general body