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State in top position in solid waste management

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The Hindu          16.12.2011

State in top position in solid waste management

Staff Correspondent

Sadhan K. Ghosh, Chairman of Consultative Committee for Better Solid Waste Management in West Bengal, said on Thursday that the country was producing 50 million tonnes of solid waste every year.

Mr. Ghosh, who is also the coordinator at the Centre for Quality Management System, Jadhavpur University, told presspersons here that it was possible to generate 2,000 MW of power from this waste.

Udupi secured the first place among the towns having a population between one and three lakh in solid waste management in the country. Towns and cities had been divided into three categories with regard to solid waste management.

The three categories were towns with a population below one lakh, towns with a population between one and three lakh, and cities with a population above three lakh. Karnataka was in the top position in the country in solid waste management, he said.

An international conference on solid waste management would be held in Mysore on July 16, 2012. Representatives from 11 countries would participate in it, he said.

Nearly 800 delegates from the country and abroad would participate in the conference. As living standards of people were going up, solid waste generated was also increasing.

The aim of the international conference was to focus on reducing plastic waste every year and bringing it down to zero, Mr. Ghosh said.