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Kochi company hits pay dirt with garbage

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The Times of India      23.08.2012

Kochi company hits pay dirt with garbage

KOCHI: Finally, there seems to be a solution in sight for the state's urgent, and seemingly intractable, garbage problem. The success of Environ Green, a Kochi-based firm, entrusted with processing garbage piled up at the Brahmapuram solid waste treatment plant, can be a model for the rest of Kerala. The firm is set to close a deal with a Dubai company for exporting bio-manure produced from treating waste.

"The Dubai-based company which caters to the demands of Dubai and Oman is willing to buy 550 tonnes of bio-manure," said A A Byju, managing director, Environ Green. The firm is currently trying to expedite formalities related to import licences. Kochi Corporation, too, is enthused with the project.

''We will provide all support to Environ Green for getting clearances for export,'' said Kochi mayor Tony Chammany, who was all praise for the company's credentials. "After we entrusted the firm with the duty of treating waste in February, they cleared 80% backlog of around one lakh tonnes.

The manure generated is being sold at Rs 4 per kilo. There are orders from other states like Karnataka as well,'' Chammany added. Interestingly, once the current backlog of 20,000 tonnes is cleared at the Brahmapuram plant, there will be demand for, hold your nose, more garbage. "We have sought the support of Kochi Corporation to get more waste from neighbouring municipalities.

We expect to get garbage from Thrikkakara municipality from next month. Even if the entire waste from all municipalities in the district is brought it will come to roughly 250 tonnes a day while what we require is 400 tonnes,'' explained Byju.

Not all bio-manure produced at the plant is, however, exported. Environ Green is concerned about the local environment too. The firm has planted around 3,500 plantain trees on five acres of land adjoining the plant and has started paddy cultivation in another 2.5 acres also.  
Last Updated on Thursday, 23 August 2012 06:20