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Garbage to be picked at your doorstep

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The Times of India              28.08.2012

Garbage to be picked at your doorstep

BELGAUM: The Belgaum City Corporation (BCC) has decided to extend its house-to-house garbage collection programme to keep the city clean.

Presently, the Corporation covers only about 50% of the city under the programme through Stree Shakti and self-help groups (SHGs). There has been a strong demand from various areas, particularly from extensions, to commence garbage collection in their areas. In areas covered under the programme, the Corporation has kept large containers where people can throw garbage.

But in other areas, garbage is mostly dumped in nearby open areas, drains and street corners. Also, the few containers placed in the area are far apart and discouraging people from talking the long walk to dump garbage. The garbage thrown indiscriminately on roads and in drains have become breeding grounds for diseases.

As many as 80 Stree Shakti and self-help groups are involved in collecting garbage from households and commercial establishments in city through push carts and autorickshaws. The BCC plans to increase this number to 200 by inviting interested parties. The Corporation will extend 50% bank loan to the interested parties for purchasing push carts and autorickshaws, while the remaining amount has to be invested by the parties.
The cost of garbage collection will differ from house to house based on the size of the house constructed and the number of floors. It starts from Rs 20 per month, and the BCC has decided to charge thrice the amount as fine for those who default on paying the fees.

"We have already been charging garbage collection fee for commercial establishments as solid waste management tax. There are plans to collect tax from households on the same lines in the future," said health officer Satish Potdar, speaking to TOI. Applications will be called from Stree Shakti groups and SHGs for garbage collection.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 28 August 2012 09:08