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Russel Market may get first-of-its-kind waste converter

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The New Indian Express                      11.03.2013

Russel Market may get first-of-its-kind waste converter

The bustling Russel Market waiting to get equipped with many high class facilities soon | EPS
The bustling Russel Market waiting to get equipped with many high class facilities soon | EPS 

After the fire mishap that gutted down a part of Russel market, the traders and concerned authorities have come to terms and worked towards installing several high class facilities in the premises while also focussing on management of solid waste. The traders association is planning to get a machine which will convert waste to power and it will be used by the entire market.

Following issues surrounding management of waste, recently Russell Market witnessed members of Solid Waste Management Round Table (SWMRT), led by waste management expert NS Ramakanth, visiting the market with the BBMP officials and urging the shopkeepers to segregate the waste generated in the market. The experts stressed specifically on the fish market which is a major contributor of wet waste in the market. The fish vendors were advised to use thermocole packages to collect the wet waste and send the same to the godown.

The machine which will generate power will cost from Rs 8 to Rs 12 lakh. Russell Market Traders Association’s General Secretary Mohammed Idrees Choudhry said, “We will have a discussion with the members of the association first and then we will propose the idea to the BBMP. If this is implemented then Russel market will be the first-of-its-kind to have such a technology. We want to equip the market with better facilities and set an example for others.”