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A2Z company back to lifting garbage in city

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The Times of India                          19.03.2013

A2Z company back to lifting garbage in city

KANPUR: The A2Z company has once again been entrusted with the responsibility of lifting garbage in the city and its staff started executing the job from Monday.

Though the staff had started working from Sunday after a long meeting with the municipal corporation officials, but the execution took place in full swing from Monday morning.

A2Z officials and municipal corporation officials held a meeting on Sunday and arrived at a settlement.

The company had stopped lifting garbage since March 1 and the municipal corporation had taken the responsibility of disposing of the garbage in the city. But despite best efforts, municipal corporation could not lift more than 700 tonnes of garbage per day while the city produces more than 1,200 tonnes of garbage per day.

Within a fortnight, the city was stinking with heaps of garbage strewn around and residents had started burning it on roads. According to sources, officials of municipal corporation had convened a meeting late on Saturday evening and it was decided to hand over the task to A2Z. During the Sunday meeting, A2Z officials once again raised the issue of realization of user charges and nagar nigam officials said that now the user charge would be collected in presence of inspectors.

According to earlier agreement, the company was to be paid Rs 456 per ton for lifting of garbage and a sum of Rs. 9 crore was pending against municipal corporation. On the other hand, nagar nigam officials had alleged that the company was lifting debris and charging instead for garbage.

The municipal commissioner commented that very soon city would be free of garbage as A2Z officials had assured that they would clear the city of garbage before the festival and for this they would press more manpower and mechanical infrastructure.

Arrears to be distributed before holi: All employees of municipal corporation Kanpur nagar would receive their arrears before holi festival.Municipal commissioner N K Singh chauhan on Monday passed an order to pay all the arrears to all employees before the festival. According to a release issued by the municipal corporation a sum of Rs. 39.66 crore would be distributed among the employees. The commissioner besides the order of arrears also granted promotion to 145 sanitation employees first time. The employees not only welcomed the municipal commissioner but also garlanded him.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 19 March 2013 09:22