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Plan to transport waste during night fails

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The New Indian Express                  05.04.2013

Plan to transport waste during night fails

According to the Corporation authorities, the major reason for the failure  was the non-cooperation of the workers. | EPS
According to the Corporation authorities, the major reason for the failure  was the non-cooperation of the workers. | EPS

Though the Kochi Corporation has mooted a plan for transporting waste materials during night time to avoid complaints against transportation of waste in open trucks during daytime, the plan failed after the pilot phase. 

According to the Corporation authorities, the major reason for the failure  was the non-cooperation of the workers.

“It was some four years back that the civic body launched a plan for transporting waste to the Brahmapuram Plant during night. But, a majority of the contingent workers were against it and were not ready to cooperate,”  said Kochi Corporation Health Standing Committee chairman T K Ashraf.  He added that at present the Corporation removes the waste from the city with the help of contingency workers and Kudumabsree units. “The contingency workers and Kudumbasree units help us in collecting the waste from households. The wastes are collected using small carts will be later moved  to lorries, which will transport it to the Brahmpauram Waste Treatment Plant,” he said.

Ashraf said that even though the Corporation is coming up with an idea to transport waste during night, they need full co-operation from the workers, as well as the public.

“The waste should be deposited in a specific time if we decide to remove it during night. If they deposit waste in the morning, it will pile up when the workers reach every collection point by evening. Hence, we will have to fix a time for disposing waste, which is not practical. A majority of the family members being working class, it will be difficult for them,” Ashraf said.