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Patna generates 900MT garbage daily

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The Times of India                  17.04.2013

Patna generates 900MT garbage daily

PATNA: Denizens covering their nose while passing through the lanes and bylanes is a common sight across the city. The foul smell emanating from heaps of garbage not only makes life difficult for the passersby but also have adverse impact on people living in the locality as well as on the environment. At least ten percent of the municipal waste generated in Patna every day is plastic. Around 900 metric tonnes of garbage is generated in the city daily.

According to a senior official of Bihar State Pollution Control Board (BSPCB), recycling of plastic is a myth. It can only be down-cycled. "Since plastic is made of non-biodegradable material, its degradation is not possible. Burning it produces harmful toxic gases that can cause even cancer. It also chokes the drainage and fills the porosity of soil which adversely affects agriculture," he said.

According to the BSPCB data, there are 87 plastic manufacturing units in the state capital but only 25 use waste plastic for recycling.

Executive officer of new capital division, Patna Municipal Corporation (PMC), Shashank Shekhar Sinha said, "Over ten percent of the daily city garbage is plastic. Since PMC has no resource either to segregate it or the knowhow to reusing or recycling it, plastic waste is dumped for the landfill daily."

Explaining the reason behind the plastic waste on such a large scale, a BSPCB official said, "Hotels, eateries and shopkeepers use thin plastic sheets and bags for packing while gutka packets are also wrapped in thin plastic."

The state government and the civic body have failed to check its use despite the fact that using plastic is illegal. According to the data available at BSPCB, the use of plastic in the city retail stores has increased by 30% in the last one year.

The Union environment and forest ministry has issued guidelines on banning plastic. Under the Plastic Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011, it has banned the use of plastic materials of less than 40 microns thickness. The ban was enforced since plastic polluted the air when burnt with other garbage and also interfered with waste management processes. It entrusted the state pollution boards with the task of implementing the provisions related to manufacture and recycling of waste. Municipal authorities are responsible for plastic usage, collection, segregation and marketing in the city.

Recycled Plastics (Manufacture and Usage) Rule, 1999, under Environment Protection Act, regulated the manufacture and usage of recycled plastic bags and containers. After its amendment in 2003, it was renamed as the Plastic Manufacture, Sale and Usage Rules and banned manufacture, stock, distribution or sell of carry bags made of virgin or recycled plastic of less than 20 microns thickness. Later, Plastic Waste (Management and Handling) Amendment Rules, 2011, banned manufacture, stock, distribution or sell of any carry bag made of virgin or recycled or compostable plastic, which is less than 40 microns in thickness.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 17 April 2013 11:29