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Acute shortage of land forces Varanasi Municipal Corporation to burn and dump garbage in open

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The Times of India               15.05.2013

Acute shortage of land forces Varanasi Municipal Corporation to burn and dump garbage in open

VARANASI: Garbage is being dumped carelessly in the open and burnt rampantly by the cleaning staff of Varanasi Municipal Corporation (VMC). It is a common feature these days.

This practice is not confined to 'kudaghar' (garbage collection centre) only but visible in residential areas, posh colonies, public parks, lanes and even ramp of bridges.

"When kudaghar gets full, the cleaning staff burns the garbage," a shopkeeper at Maldahiya said. Similar trend was also observed on the main roads of Andhrapul, Nakkhighat, Chowkaghat, Nadesar, Orderly Bazaar, Godowlia, Sonarpura, Lanka, Nariya, Sigra and Mehmoorganj.

"At Andhrapul crossing, I could see huge cloud of smoke near the railway bridge. The cleaning staff had set afire the garbage which was dumped there. It also disturbed the traffic in the area for some time", a passerby.

"There is no proper place to dump the garbage. Kudaghars are full, the garbage is not taken anywhere, so it is better to burn it", said an employee. Due to the dysfunctional Solid Waste Management plant at Kadsada village, the VMC adopted land filling method to dispose of garbage generated in the city daily.

Municipal commissioner RP Singh said the city is now facing immense shortage of land where garbage could be used for land filling. "At present, garbage is being dumped for land filling near Saraiya. However, due to shortage of land, garbage disposal may become a difficult task in future", he added.

"We have sent another reminder to the state government to direct A2Z, the private company which was responsible for the solid waste management project in the city but left it midway in August 2012, to complete the work at the plant", Singh said. Payment of the company is still due with the corporation.

"Since the company left the project midway, we have requested the state government to direct the company to complete the project as it would otherwise cost a lot of capital and time for any other company to complete the pending work.

Following which, the payment will be made to the company. The decision of the state government is awaited," he added.