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Delhi to get its second waste-to-energy plant

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The Hindu               06.06.2013

Delhi to get its second waste-to-energy plant

Staff Reporter

The second waste-to-energy plant in Delhi is now scheduled to come up at Narela in North Delhi, the North Delhi Municipal Corporation has announced.

To be built with Chinese technology, the new waste-to-energy plant would come up near the Narela-Bawana landfill site. It is expected to become ready by August-end and start functioning on a trial basis from the first week of September.

The plant, which is being constructed on a public private partnership model with the Delhi Municipal Solid Waste Solutions Limited, will dump only 10 per cent of the total waste at the sanitary landfill site.

According to the NDMC officials, the plant will generate 24 MW of electricity on daily basis after consuming 1,200 tonnes of municipal waste.

“The corporation has taken special care to check the groundwater and air pollution. We have designed the plant in such a manner that it would serve the dual purpose of adding the power generation capacity of the city, as well as containing the need of sanitary land fill sites. Besides the plant will dump only 10 per cent of the total waste and thereby won’t burden the LFS,” said a corporation official.

“The construction of the is nearing completion. We expect the trial run to start by first week of September. The plant will become fully operational by November end or December,” he added.

As per the project, only 10 per cent of the total waste will be dumped at the LFS after generation of power.