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Hudco releases funds for solid waste management

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The Hindu               13.06.2013

Hudco releases funds for solid waste management

Staff Reporter

Public sector techno-financing company Hudco has released Rs.75 lakh under corporate social responsibility to take up solid waste management, construction of public toilets and maintenance of night shelters, according to Municipal Commissioner M.V. Satyanarayana.

The release came after the Commissioner’s meeting with Hudco CMD V.P. Baligar in New Delhi. Hudco committed a total of Rs.3 crore under CSR for SWM, the Commissioner said before he left for the meeting.

Meeting on hawkers

Mr. Satyanarayana who participated in a meeting convened by the Ministry of Housing on hawkers’ welfare in the capital on Tuesday said sites were identified in parts of the city as part of accommodating an estimated 22,000 hawkers in the city.

Extending financial assistance to hawkers, health and rehabilitation issues were also discussed at the meeting, he added.