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Bio fuel from cold storage waste: pollution board’s next big plan

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Indian Express 25.09.2009

Bio fuel from cold storage waste: pollution board’s next big plan

“We will start with a survey to estimate the amount of solid waste generated by cold storages in the state. We will take NEDA’s assistance for it,” said Garg. According to UPPCB officials, the generated biogas will help generate more revenue. “It can be utilised as cooking gas or can be bottled and sold as well. We are looking at the various possibilities as of now,” said Garg.

A senior NEDA official added: “We are exploring various options for the generation of biofuel. We also have to work out the cost factor in converting the waste into gas.”The Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board (UPPCB) is exploring options to utilise solid waste from the cold storages in the state to generate bio-fuel. The waste coming out from the cold storages in the state mostly comprise inedible fruits and vegetables.

The board has taken up the issue with the Uttar Pradesh Non-conventional Energy Development Authority (NEDA) and the Uttar Pradesh Cold Storage Association.

“There is no technique currently available for the safe disposal of solid waste generated by cold storages in the state. We have met up with NEDA officials and the Cold Storage Association and are working out the modalities. We plan to set up a common plant in each district to convert the solid waste into bio-fuel,” said UPPCB chief environmental officer G N Garg.

There are around 1,600 cold storages functional in the state at present. According to UPPCB estimates, around 10 kg of waste is required to generate 1 cubic metre of biogas.

The Cold Storage Association has welcomed the move. “At present, we dispose of the waste indiscriminately. Its conversion to gas will generate something of utility and also ensure their proper disposal,” said Mahendra Swarup, president, Cold Storage Association of Uttar Pradesh.

Last Updated on Friday, 25 September 2009 11:41