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Most main roads made free of garbage bin

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The Indian Express           01.08.2013

Most main roads made free of garbage bin

The civic administration has removed garbage bins from 47 major city roads of the city in a bid to avoid misuse of bins. The step comes after terrorists last year had planted bombs in garbage bins in order to carry out a terror attack.

"The PMC had already started the work on making the city free of garbage bins. The effort was stepped up after the use of bins in last year's blast. We have made most of the main roads free of garbage bins. The waste is collected every morning through door to door service," said Suresh Jagtap, Joint Municipal Commissioner.

The major roads, including J M road and roads frequented by VIPs have been made free of garbage bins, he said. By the end of the year the remaining main roads will also be made free of bins, Jagtap added.