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Putting vegetable waste to good use

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The Hindu               21.08.2013

Putting vegetable waste to good use

Vegetable waste is collected every day from Devaraja Market, Vani Vilas Market, and the Regulated Market Committee and transported to the animal shelter run by the Mysore Pinjarapole Society.— Photo: M.A. SRIRAM
Vegetable waste is collected every day from Devaraja Market, Vani Vilas Market, and the Regulated Market Committee and transported to the animal shelter run by the Mysore Pinjarapole Society.— Photo: M.A. SRIRAM

The vegetable waste generated in markets controlled by the Mysore City Corporation (MCC) is not going ‘waste’, as it is being transported to an animal shelter run by the Mysore Pinjarapole Society.

The consumable vegetables in the waste are segregated and fed to the rescued cattle.

More than bringing additional revenue, the measure has helped the corporation to overcome the piling up of waste in markets, which results in unhygienic surroundings.

The vegetable waste is collected from the century-old Devaraja Market and Vani Vilas Market, which are under the control of the MCC, and the Regulated Market Committee (RMC), a wholesale vegetable market, and transported every day to the animal shelter on the foothills of the Chamundi.

The society has nearly 4,000 heads of cattle.

“On an average, two tonnes of vegetable waste are collected daily from the markets and the RMC. On some days, the waste generation would be more. Our aim is to keep the market surroundings clean. As the waste is collected daily, the vegetables are not spoilt and can be consumed by the animals,” says Nagaraj, MCC Health Officer (in-charge). Dr. Nagaraj told The Hindu that the job of transporting vegetable waste to the animal shelter had been outsourced to a self-help group functioning at the Devaraja Market. The MCC lorries transport the waste, and the initiative was running well since two years, he said.

Devaraja Market, one of the biggest markets here, contributes more vegetable waste than any other market. Nearly one tonne of waste is generated here. Sometimes, the waste from ‘Bale Mandi’ (plantain market) is also transported.

Farmers bring farm fresh vegetables to the RMC. Some portion of the produce (damaged veggies) is discarded as waste, which is transported to the shelter.

The initiative is a win-win situation for the MCC and the society.

Speaking to The Hindu , Devaraja, a representative of Mysore Pinjarapole Society, said the initiative had helped the society save a little on cattle feed (paddy straw and other dry feeds).“Vegetable waste is supplied daily to the shelter and we buy the waste at 35 paisa a kg. The quantum of waste transported daily varies depending on the availability in the markets,” he said.

According to Dr. Nagaraj, vegetable waste could be converted into compost but the process takes at least 48 days.

Instead, it is disposed on a daily basis, generating revenue for those who transport the same to the animal shelter. “The revenue goes towards the salaries of the SHG members involved in the initiative and for transportation cost,” he explained.

The animal shelter is spread over 24 hectares of land near the Chamundi Hills. It was established in 1938. The society also keeps dogs, horses, donkeys, and rabbits.

Cattle rescued from illegal transportation are brought to the society. Another shelter run by the society at Udbur on H.D. Kote Road gives shelter to over 600 animals.