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Waste management company to generate power from garbage

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The Times of India             24.09.2013  

Waste management company to generate power from garbage

VARANASI: If all goes well according to the plan, the city will not only get rid of its garbage menace but also it will be able to utilize the garbage in generating power.

According to director A2Z, BN Tiwari, the solid waste management company that has recently returned into the business of handling the solid waste of the city, the company has got the government's nod for the power plant project which will be completed within 6-8 months once the work gets started. "To build a power plant, five acres of land is required. We have asked the government to give permission to use some of the land that is available with us for the treatment plant. For the rest of the land we are in talks to get that in the nearby areas. Once the land is acquired, the work will start", he said.

According to Tiwari, as much as 15-20% of the solid waste is moisture content which either evaporates or is dried with a mechanical drier, then there is 5-10% of the silt which is blown off. As much as 15-20% matter is biodegradable and is converted into compost. Rest 40-45% of the solid waste is used for power generation. "The proposed power plant will have the capacity to generate five mega watt of power which will be given to the government. A 15 MW power plant has already been tried and will soon start power generation in Kanpur by our company using the solid waste," said Tiwari adding that establishment of the plant will cost Rs 50 crore.