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Solid Waste Management Project moves one step ahead

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The New Indian Express         31.10.2013

Solid Waste Management Project moves one step ahead

The long-pending regional municipal solid waste (MSW) management project under the Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) has progressed one step ahead with the opening of technical bid on Wednesday.

 The project was conceived to treat the solid waste generated by the twin cities of Bhubaneswar and Cuttack. Currently, all the solid waste is left untreated and dumped at Bhuasuni.

Four agencies took part in the technical bid meeting, which was convened by the corporation.

 As per the project requirement, the solid waste generated by Cuttack and Bhubaneswar will be dumped at a designated transfer station. The transfer stations will be constructed by the agency.

The solid waste generated by both the cities will be  deposited at a waste treatment plant in Bhuasuni.

 “The agencies have been given complete autonomy to decide how they want the waste to be treated. They can produce gas energy or any other form of energy that seem feasible,” said BMC chief engineer TBK Shroff.

 The two cities generate about 600 tonnes of solid waste everyday.

Harnessing such a large amount of solid waste is a necessity as it cannot be left untreated and dumped indiscriminately.

The Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (IDCO) is acting as the transaction advisory for the project. After the processing of the technical bid, the financial bid will be opened.

  • Four agencies took part in the technical bid meeting which was convened by the corporation
  • Cuttack and Bhubaneswar generate about 600 metric tonne solid waste everyday
  • The transportation of the solid waste from the transfer stations to Bhuasuni will also be done by the  agency