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Festive season: City collects additional 1,800 tonnes garbage

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The Indian Express          07.11.2013

Festive season: City collects additional 1,800 tonnes garbage


Although Diwali generates good business but there is no option to recycle the plastic gift paper wrapped on almost every gift item. In name of celebrations, residents add additional pollution apart from air and noise.

This festive season, the city generated more than 1,800 tonnes additional garbage in a fortnight and on Diwali alone the additional garbage collection was of about 250 tonnes. The private garbage collection company A2Z authorities said that additional garbage was largely in form of plastic bags, packing papers, crackers' waste etc.

Pollution control board authorities said plastic packaging material cannot be recycled and at the moment it is just being dumped. During Diwali the dumping increases in huge quantity. However, A2Z company's vice-president BS Chauhan said, "Though a large amount of garbage was of packaging material only, but we give such material to our plastic vendors who use them in making plastic pipes. Government approved vendors are being given such waste." However, he admitted that most packaging papers cannot be recycled but this generates good business plastic pipe vendors.

So far the garbage collection company was not very clear as what is being done with the packaging paper, however, they said that before treating the garbage they do segregate such papers and give it to the concerned vendors.

Chauhan added that on an average Ludhiana generates about 1,050 tonnes of garbage but about a fortnight before Diwali garbage collection was ab­out 1,150 tonnes and a day after Diwali this increased to 1,350 tonnes. Garbage collected by the company is being taken at dump point on Tajpur Road.