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A2Z extends deadline to start solid waste management in Varanasi

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The Times of India               09.12.2013

A2Z extends deadline to start solid waste management in Varanasi

VARANASI: The deadline for taking up the charge of solid waste management of the entire city by the private firm A2Z has once again extended till January. According to the director of the firm, BN Tiwari there were a lot of operational difficulties to be discussed before taking over the complete charge. Tiwari will be arriving in the city on Monday to discuss certain issues with the municipal commissioner Umakant Tripathi.

"There are a lot of issues to be discussed including payment of funds due with the local body, method of realisation of the user charges, collection and transportation of solid waste from the garbage collection centres," said Tiwari.

At present the solid waste management firm A2Z is collecting door-to-door garbage in Bhelupur zone but the transportation of garbage from garbage collection centre in the zone is still being done by the Varanasi Municipal Corporation (VMC). According to the city health officer SSP Verma, the local body itself is struggling with the resources like JCB machines to carry on with the solid waste management and there is no respite despite the presence of A2Z in the city as of now.

According to the sources at the local body, non-payment of dues is the major problem. While according to the officials of the A2Z, vehicles can not be repaired for further operation. In this situation all hopes for betterment of solid waste management in the city rests on the Monday meeting of A2Z and VMC officials.