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Plastic collection centres for municipality

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The Hindu            13.12.2013

Plastic collection centres for municipality

Special Correspondent

‘Susthira’ by Kannur civic body, KISAN

The Kannur municipality will set up plastic collection centres in a bid to implement a practical project to battle the menace of plastic carry bags in the town.

This was announced at a meeting of representatives of residents’ associations, traders’ bodies, and managements of private hospitals and wedding halls in the municipal area, held at the municipal council hall here, on Thursday. The project christened ‘Susthira’ is being initiated jointly by the municipality and the Kerala Initiative to Save Agriculture and Nature (KISAN).

Municipal chairperson, who chaired the meeting, said that the project to make the town plastic-free was conceived as a practical solution as no earlier efforts to ban plastic carry bags had succeeded.

Municipal vice-chairman and chairman of KISAN T.O. Mohanan said the declaration of the project would be held on January 26 next year. Waste plastic carry bags would be collected once or twice a week by the collection centres being started by KISAN. The municipality is also planning a plastic recycling centre in association with KISAN, he added. The volume of plastic waste generated in the town was huge, he said.